English 日本語




そしたらもう一人が現物を見て"It's salad." と。「え、まじ、サラダー?」と違和感がぬぐえなかったけれど、もし仕事で通訳していたら、サラダのようなもので、と解説していたかもしれないな、とある意味納得したのです。

ググってみると、a vinegared dish が出てきた・・・。「きゅうりの酢の物」は vinegared cucumbers だそう。ふうん、もっと分かりやすい伝え方があるんじゃないか。。

この種の違和感という点では、日本の長ネギも英語では spring onion とも leek とも言われることがあるけれど、見た目は spring onion のほうが近いけど、味は leek が近いと思う。食感は spring onion が近いが、味からすると明らかに種類が違う。それは spring onion はネギではなく「ワケギ」だから。leek は「西洋ネギ」でかなり太い。(写真参照)ちなみに、恥ずかしいことに今まで知らなかったのだけど、「ワケギ」とは「ネギ属に属するネギとタマネギの雑種、緑黄色野菜の一つ」なのだそう。

似たところで、エシャロットは、物知りの友人Hさんから教えられたのだけど、タマネギみたいな顔をしているが、ラッキョウなんだそうです。そういえばこのあいだ、夫に shallot は onion じゃないよ、といわれたけど、このことだったんだ!





実は、そのラッキョウと良く似て居て、話題になる球根野菜に「シャロット」があり、日本では一般に「エシャロット」と呼ばれているのですが、紛らわしい事に、若取りしたラッキョウを亦「エシャレット」と市場で呼んで居り、それをはっきり区別する為に、シャロットの方は 「ベルギーエシャロット」と呼ぶようにしていると言います。そのシャロット、市場に出るのは輸入野菜が殆どと言う事のようですが 「ベルギーエシャロット」と呼ばれるものは欧米には無く、在るのは「フレンチエシャロット」と呼ばれる一寸細長い形をした「シャロット」であり、球形に近い形のシャロットの方を日本では 「ベルギーエシャロット」と呼んで居るようです。

ややこしい…。でもこれで、いつか、この手の翻訳や通訳の仕事が来ても大丈夫かな? 来るのか、そんな仕事が… ⁇ w


Kelly McGonigal "How to make stress your friend" ケリー・マグゴニガ ル:ストレスと友だちになるには


Stress is synonymous to anxiety. Should it? And is it? Does it have to be that way?

It's funny and interesting - I was saying to my daughter yesterday that the word stress originally didn't mean a negative thing. It wasn't portrayed as our enemy.
Over the years, repeatedly chanting that it's our enemy it's now perceived an enemy but that's too simple...!

H. Selye says "Man should not try to avoid stress any more than he would shun food, love or exercise." (ストレスを避けてはいけません。それは食べ物や愛、

I am no expert on stress management. There are plenty of times I struggle, with things I cannot change but somehow having to cope with and to find solutions to - whether I like it or not.

As I think back I've realised there was a valuable change in my idea on stress.

I realise I've learned to put things in perspective in most of the time, all the more. I've been a realist, for many years, to the level that sometimes I make people think I could do with a bit of 'hoping'. I am not a pessimist. I see myself as "expect the best, while preparing for the worst."

So, being realistic doesn't mean I am negative. To me, realism is a proactive attitude - brainstorming, breaking down into small chunks, put into time scope - organising and implementing them with realistic approach.

One of the things that having kids taught me was to give up (= forgive) and that most of the things that happen in life, what life throws at you - it's the end of the world, and there is not much point in sweating over it or grieving over it. And, say, it was the end of the world, so what's the point in worrying about it anyway?

Easier said than done. True. Stress is not a bad thing, like money alone is not bad nor good, it is about what we do with it, how we look at it, right? So in this sense, it's similar.

Long time ago but I read somewhere that gravity is a kind of stress and without gravity we quickly lose our muscle strength. I think it was about our physical strength in space. In other words, we need gravity to maintain our strength, we need the stress called gravity to keep up our physical strength.

Do we, usually, consciously think about gravity as a stress...?  We usually don't think about it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't make it go away, but our perception towards gravity is often different from that towards stress in general, isn't it?

There was another fact that helped change my perspective. I could take as much calcium through supplement as I like for bones, for example, however, without stress on the bones (exercise), most of it would just be lost in our body wastes... In other words, it needs at least some amount of stress to build bones.

My perception towards stress changed from something to fear to something natural and not a killer. Knowing and feeling stress doesn't kill us, makes all the difference, according to Kelly. It is liberating and reassuring isn't it?


ウエハース Wafers?

うむ だからウエハース。日本語で。そしたら「え〜日本語でそう言うの〜?」と娘。

キャラメル Caramel
ラムネ Lemonade
ホイップクリーム Whipped cream
ワセリン Vaseline


こうやって、あぁ!XXのことね〜! というやり取りはこれまでもたまにあったけれど、ウエハースはちょっと意外だった。娘にとってはちょっとカルチャーショックだったらしいw





お仕事報告 NHSの通訳 Job Report on NHS (Medical)interpreting - St Georges Hospital


例によってたらい回し(怒) 着きゃしない。

ENT (耳鼻科のこと) へ行けと書いてあったけどウソばっかり。



Bloody hell...!! I was told to got to St George's hospital and to ENT dept in Atkinson Morley Wing. So I went to this AM Wing, then I was told ENT wasn't in that wing but in Grosvenor Wing. So I went to try this GW,and then again there I was told it wasn't there but this time in Lanesborough Wing. I went to LB Wing, see what happened, I actually found the ENT dept there .

However, that wasn't the end of story, the receptionist said there was no such appointment. She called the Atkinson Morley Wing to find out, the findings was that it was not ENT at all, it was supposed to be Neurology Dept. which meant I had to go back. Back to square one - Atkinson Morley Wing.





The appointment itself was meant to be 20 min, but finding the right place took longer.  It had taken nearly 1 hour just to get to Tooting Broadway (tube station) from home...!! This is just ridiculous...

I felt really sorry for the patient. That annoyed me, to be honest, more than being the fact that the informed medical field was *wrong.* Good call I had experienced a similar symptom in the past.

Had I not personally experienced it, it could've wound up being an embarrassing experience! I knew quite a lot about this (sort of) illness and it's medical procedures, which is to my benefit...

Good grief. I'm going to report this (politely complain really) to the agency because it's a problem. It's wasting time, wasting money of all parties involved expect theirs. What's worse - keeping the poor patient waiting feeling anxious.

They'd lost confidence in our work BEFORE they even saw any of us, and we don't deserve it. It doesn't only bring both of us, agencies and service providers, down, but it would ruin the reputation and confidence in the industry.



PSI (public service interpreting) isn't such a job that "the pay is low, the service providers are less qualified, probably less experienced. They can only get these menial jobs, because they're not good enough to take on better jobs like conference assignments." - No. That's not why I do this.

I do this because it is important. Litigations, police matters, health matters... they are about people's LIVES. It requires high quality and certain level of training and expertise. The responsibility is not small, and yet the pay is not big. There are untrained service providers in such segments of the industry. Which makes all the more important for professional interpreters who are fully qualified to embark on. The idea is like "doctors sans frontieres."

This is something close to my heart, so I might have sounded emotional.
I apologise for that, and thanks for reading.


司法・法廷通訳 とオフサイドルール Legal / CourtInterpreting in UK and the Offside Rule

"Women don't understand the offside rule."

     Have you ever heard this sentence, or have you perhaps been told this?
The offside rule is the dividing point between women that are not big football enthusiasts and men who are footy lovers.

This time I would like to discuss one thing in common between the legal system and football: the rules.

     As regards legal or court interpreting, the most of assignments that I have been involved have been civil cases, however, I've received requests to take on criminal cases and some of them being to do with the police.

法廷通訳や警察関係の通訳は、イギリスではNational Registerといわれる全国登録制度がある。これに登録していなければこういう仕事が請けられないかというと、そういうことではない。
     I've never been on the National Register, as it is just not realistic as exams for that aren't available in my language pair. Having said that, from time to time, I receive enquiries if I can take on court/legal interpreting assignments.

ただ、当局としては、登録を義務付けたいものの、資格試験があり、私がCommunity Languagesの通訳者だったら、費用が安くないためやすやすと受験することはできないだろうし、それに希少言語では第一、通訳者を見つけること自体が困難であったりして、なかなか彼らの思うようなやり方で回ってはいない。それが現状。
     I imagine, the authority would like to make such qualification compulsory for all the interpreters to embark on Court assignments, an yet I can easily imagine it to be extremely difficult to impose such condition on every interpreter, because for one thing, it is already considered pricey among so many of such service providers,

     Keeping that thought aside, my end clients for such assignments are Japanese nationals living in the UK, namely in England (& Wales, because of the jurisdiction for my qualification) and I consciously and conscientiously do not accept legal interpreting assignments for other jurisdictions such as Scotland or Northern Ireland, and that is not because I have to travel far...!!
     Anyway, back to where I was, these people have lived in the country already for many years. It is understandable that locals assume these foreign nationals should speak good English, but the truth is they don't. Not so many of them. What makes things worse is that they may not realise that themselves. They may think they are communicating well until somehow and somewhere it went wrong and a trivial thing ended up becoming big trouble, out of proportion

     Here's what I think. I think where the problem lies is that their unfamiliarity, their ignorance of the 'rules' in legal circumstances. They do not know how the police work in this country, they don't know how the legal system works in this country - despite the fact they have lived in the country for the longest time!

     When the police have stopped them, it probably was the first experience in 20 years, and had not idea what was going to happen or what he or she was supposed to do or not do. And what did they do? They tried their own way trying to respond and sort things out, but this "own way" can vary, really vary. You'd be amazed how cultures are different from one another. Better yet, they're probably not experts in cultural studies.

     Let's take sports as an example. Imagine, someone suggested to play football. Would they know the rules? Probably, yes. Otherwise, it would be just silly. I am happy to be corrected but usually when people suggest to play football they know the rules.
     Just like so, police officers, court officials, lawyers - they all know the rules. What about these foreign nationals? Do they know these rules?
Of course, the same question stand for its own people, Britons. However, I shall not expand this discussion there, otherwise it would be impossible to make any point.
     Being ignorant of 'rules' may mean they are not fully aware when they have been or that they have been arrested. They are aware they have to stay with the police but that doesn't mean they know what it entails. What happens when they are arrested, do they definitely know and understand the word 'arrested'? Do they know their entitlements? Are you sure if they know by themselves and immediately what questions they should be asking the authority? - to be honest, I don't think they do.

イギリスの法制度や警察システムは日本のそれとはかなり違いがあります。また、イギリス国内でも、England & WalesとScotland、Northern Irelandと管轄が分かれており、法律システムも同じではありません。
     Needless to say, the British legal system is very different from the Japanese legal system. Even in the UK, the legal systems among England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland differ.

     The Right to Remain Silent exist in Japan and similar but not the same as Miranda rights in the USA, where it is different from Caution in Britain. (Please note, I am not referring to Caution/Warning as penalty)

イギリス(この場合はEngland & Wales)で警察に逮捕されるとどうなるか、どういう権利があるか、拘留される期間について、など政府のサイトに説明してあります。
     There is useful information about legal system in the UK and can be found on the internet, easily, but the problem is that they are all in English. I know of them, I am sure there are many other people who know such websites and look up such information as necessary. However, there are again many people who do not know such websites exist, and even if someone tells them about those and they visit those pages, they may not understand, unfortunately. What's more tragic is that they may not even realise they actually haven't understood correctly!

     It is easy to say "ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law." - yes, true, but think like this. We are living in the modern age, multicultural society, contributing to each other and one another. Let's be open. Let's be inclusive. Let's embrace this as an opportunity to expand our horizon, shall we?

民事裁判だと、イギリスの制度に慣れていない外国人の当事者を相手に、事前にWitness Trainingという「証人のための裁判所での心得研修」とも呼べるものが行われることがあります。これは、民間の法律事務所が、任意でもともと法律家でそういうサービスを提供している人に依頼して行われるものなので、刑事事件では慣例として行われてはいない。
     I have had an opportunity to interpret in Witness Training for civil case among large corporations. Unfortunately, I have never heard this sort of service is available for criminal cases, as I suppose it may be a lot to do with how much it would cost.  That doesn't change that it is necessary. Perhaps, it doesn't have to be the same one. If there are some webpages and videos available in their language AND they need to be told as they go to their embassy to register their residence - that's my idea.

Not only Japanese nationals, any foreign nationals who are going to live or have already been living in the country, needs access to such information and to familiarise themselves. It is essential to prevent unnecessary proceedings i.e. cost, time and work by preparing themselves. Thanks for reading.

翻訳のキモかツボか!?|"I think this is a terrible answer."

"I think this is a terrible answer."











つまり、「ひどい」+肯定文 という構造をひっくり返して、「ひどい」の反義語+否定文 という構造にすると、




Personally, I think it is a terrible answer. 


はっきり言うと、「この答えは、答えとして悪い」と批判している。明らかに批判しつつ、あくまで「私」ひとりの意見だ と "声の大きさ"(発言の責任所在)を限定しています。

こういうレトリックは、英語ではよく聞きます。問題は、そのまま日本人に通じるか。人にもよるかもしれないが、情報としては理解できても、その心は「Lost in translation」してしまう可能性もあると思います。





わたしもこれが、よくわからなくて、だいたい うす過ぎで、じゃあといって意識すると今度は濃過ぎ。。


そしたら「ああ、one (teaspoon of loose leaf) for each person and one for the pot って言うんだよ。」

つまり、ティースプーンで (人数分+1) 杯の葉が、目安の分量。3人分なら4杯、4人分なら5杯ということになりますよね。




ルクセンブルク -欧州連合司法裁判所 報告 その1 Luxembourg EuropeanCourt of Justice Report Part.1 [Bilingual 二ヶ国語]

Eurostarの発車駅はSt Pancras。こちら地下鉄(Tube)を降りて、改札を通過したところ。
(Pancreas=すい臓 ではありません!) そうやって発音する人結構いるんだけど(現地人で)・・・。
Taking Eurostar to Brussels, and then different train on to Luxembourg. Just arrived at King's Cross / St. Pancras (not Pancreas ! although there are quite a few locals who calls this station Pancreas...)  

いつ来ても、アタマが混乱する。。電車だから「15分前くらいに行けばいっか」と無意識に感じながら、Passport Controlがあるのは空港のよう。 
It always confuses me.  My initial perception is "this is a train journey", and naturally feels " arriving 15 min prior to departure should be (more than) enough!" where it isn't.  It says passengers should give 30 min MORE. There is Passport Control, because - of course - it is an international connection, therefore it feels as if being in an international airport. 

I think it is because there is this mixture of experience i.e. it is train station but international and because it is international there is security check, because there is security check it feels like taking a flight, but because it is actually train service you can bring drinks and food on board...

Escalator on to the platform.

First time in Luxembourg station.

Viaduct ear accommodation. 

Apparently it is the World Heritage.


First thing first. You know the drill!!