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Kelly McGonigal "How to make stress your friend" ケリー・マグゴニガ ル:ストレスと友だちになるには


Stress is synonymous to anxiety. Should it? And is it? Does it have to be that way?

It's funny and interesting - I was saying to my daughter yesterday that the word stress originally didn't mean a negative thing. It wasn't portrayed as our enemy.
Over the years, repeatedly chanting that it's our enemy it's now perceived an enemy but that's too simple...!

H. Selye says "Man should not try to avoid stress any more than he would shun food, love or exercise." (ストレスを避けてはいけません。それは食べ物や愛、

I am no expert on stress management. There are plenty of times I struggle, with things I cannot change but somehow having to cope with and to find solutions to - whether I like it or not.

As I think back I've realised there was a valuable change in my idea on stress.

I realise I've learned to put things in perspective in most of the time, all the more. I've been a realist, for many years, to the level that sometimes I make people think I could do with a bit of 'hoping'. I am not a pessimist. I see myself as "expect the best, while preparing for the worst."

So, being realistic doesn't mean I am negative. To me, realism is a proactive attitude - brainstorming, breaking down into small chunks, put into time scope - organising and implementing them with realistic approach.

One of the things that having kids taught me was to give up (= forgive) and that most of the things that happen in life, what life throws at you - it's the end of the world, and there is not much point in sweating over it or grieving over it. And, say, it was the end of the world, so what's the point in worrying about it anyway?

Easier said than done. True. Stress is not a bad thing, like money alone is not bad nor good, it is about what we do with it, how we look at it, right? So in this sense, it's similar.

Long time ago but I read somewhere that gravity is a kind of stress and without gravity we quickly lose our muscle strength. I think it was about our physical strength in space. In other words, we need gravity to maintain our strength, we need the stress called gravity to keep up our physical strength.

Do we, usually, consciously think about gravity as a stress...?  We usually don't think about it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't make it go away, but our perception towards gravity is often different from that towards stress in general, isn't it?

There was another fact that helped change my perspective. I could take as much calcium through supplement as I like for bones, for example, however, without stress on the bones (exercise), most of it would just be lost in our body wastes... In other words, it needs at least some amount of stress to build bones.

My perception towards stress changed from something to fear to something natural and not a killer. Knowing and feeling stress doesn't kill us, makes all the difference, according to Kelly. It is liberating and reassuring isn't it?

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